

I originally sprouted on a small island in the mid-mediterranean. Slooowly but surely I developed a great passion for music and computer visuals. For a few years now I have landed on the Bright side of the UK and have been following the earths rotation from here.

In sort I am an audio visual artist, sometimes full of inspiration sometimes thinking that I should never touch a computer again.

I have been collaborating with performance artists and people from the modern dance- physical theater approach to things, primarily designing and creating soundscapes and surround audio environments for performances.

My Visual work is computer based, using photomanipulation 3D modelling, 3D scultping and a lot of render time patience (!)

I studied a digital music degree course 2 years ago which opened my ears around music and made me realise that publishing 2 cds for a career is not where is at (At all).

This year I went back to school with an MA in Digital Media Arts at hand.